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May 2024 Newsletter

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In this issue:

Medical Students for Size Inclusivity Turns 2!

Latest Events & Happenings

New Sticker Designs

What Does a Size Inclusive Provider Look Like to You?

Save the Date: Next Advisor Meeting

The Latest from Social Media

Happy 2nd Birthday, MSSI!

Happy second birthday to Medical Students for Size Inclusivity 🎉 We’ve reached so many milestones over the last two years. Check out some of our biggest accomplishments:

9,408 website visitors, 4,044 in 2024 (so far)

1,854 followers across all social media platforms

70 medical student members across 45 schools (US, Canada, Australia)

30 advisory board members

13 medical graduates across 6 specialties

11 established chapters, with 10 more in progress

5 newsletter issues with 349 subscribers

2 years old!

A special thanks to all of our members, advisors, and followers for helping us grow. Here’s to another year advocating for size inclusive medicine.

Instagram post by @sizeinclusivemedicine

Latest MSSI Events

Columbia Students for Size Inclusivity hosted their chapter kickoff on February 15th, 2024!

Students from the medical school, nursing school, dental school, school of public health, and the graduate school of arts and sciences were in attendance. They enjoyed empanadas, pandebonos, buñuelos, coffee and hot chocolate from a local Columbian coffee shop (Salento), while engaging in a presentation focused on the ways in which weight is genetically controlled, evidence that refutes “fat is bad”, and weight as a social justice issue.

Congratulations to organizers Asia Luna Patlis and Griffin Gowd, MSSI members and Columbia PhD students!

New sticker and button designs

Check out our shop for cute buttons and stickers! All proceeds go towards supporting MSSI’s initiates to advance size inclusivity in medicine.

What Does a Size Inclusive Provider Look Like to You?

We value and honor your stories and ideas. We are interested in learning about the characteristics that YOU look for in a size-inclusive practitioner. What is something practitioners might be getting wrong about size-inclusive care? What are green and/or red flags that you look for when visiting a provider?

Your responses will help us bring visibility to common errors in weight-centric healthcare and share ways student doctors and practitioners can enhance their size-inclusive approach. Responses may be shared only with your permission. 

Save the date: Next MSSI Advisor Meeting

MSSI Spring Advisory Council Meeting: Mon, May 6th 2024 at 8pm EST

Meeting link and agenda to come!

Time Conversion:

Mon, May 6, 2024 7:00 pm Central Time 

Mon, May 6, 2024 6:00 pm Mountain Time, & Alberta

Mon, May 6, 2024 5:00 pm AZ, Pacific Time, Vancouver

Tues, May 7, 2024 at 10:00 am AEST Brisbane, Australia

If you are not a current MSSI member or advisor but would like to attend to get a better sense of what our organization is up to, please email us!

Find us on social media

What does a size inclusive practitioner look like to you?

Let us know here ➡️…

— Medical Students for Size Inclusivity (@sizeinclmed)
Apr 9, 2024

This newsletter was authored by Sophie Lalonde-Bester, MSSI member and medical student at the University of Alberta.